Family Planning and Smear Clinics
The doctors or nurses will be pleased to discuss contraception or smears with you during normal surgery consultations.
Teenagers and young adults are particularly welcome to discuss aspects of safer sex and contraception.
The "morning after" (emergency) contraception can be supplied. It is best taken as early as possible, and no later than 72 hours after unprotected sex.
Intra-unterine devices (coils) are no longer fitted by the GPs at this surgery as we felt we did insufficient to remain competent. We have an arrangement with the Lyng Centre for Health Family Planning Clinic for our patients to have coils fitted there by appointment. You may call them on 0121 612 2323
Antenatal Clinics for Expectant Mothers
Midwife run clinics take place on Wednesdays. If you think you may be pregnant you can self-refer via this link, Maternity | Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust ( or see a doctor at a normal surgery appointment for a referral.
At the moment parent craft classes are held either at the hospital or Oldbury Health Centre.
Baby Immunisations
This clinic is held once a week and is by appointment only.
Appointments can be booked in advance by contacting Reception.
A nurse will be present to offer advice and give immunisations to well babies.
Baby 6-8 week examinations
This is by appointment only and our administration staff will be contacting parents to arrange the appointment, and where appropriate a post natal check will be arrange along side the 6-8 week check.
Unwell babies should be seen by appointment in normal surgery.
Health Visitor Clinic
Parents wishing to have baby weighed or needing information from the health visitor should visit an available clinic in the area.
Diabetic Clinic
This clinic is nurse led but with doctor support for problems.
Patients are seen yearly by appointment for blood pressure, sugar, weight, urine checks, comprehensive review and blood tests.
Diabetic patients are eligible for chiropody care under the NHS.
Other Permanent Health Conditions
e.g. Heart disease, high blood pressure, asthma, chest disease, kidney disease and thyroid problems do not have specific clinic times as we found this to be too restrictive for patients.
Appointments are available at the patient's convenience with the doctor (or with the nurse once stabilised) for review and medication adjustment.
Leg Ulcers
All our nurses, district and practice based, have attended training courses on the latest guidelines for the treatment of leg ulcers.
They can do circulation assessments and compression bandaging. The district nurses do home visit dressings where necessary.
Minor Surgery
We have a clinics run by the doctors with an interest in skin disorders, where we can treat minor skin lesions and warts with surgery, cryotherapy or electrocautery as appropriate.
Please make an appointment in normal surgery initially, and if considered appropriate you will be referred on to this clinic.
Alternatively you could be referred for treatment at the hospital if this is deemed to be more suitable.
We have a visiting counsellor three sessions a week from Black Country Mental Health Trust.
You will be referred to the service by your GP, when after an initial assessment to see if counselling would help and is wanted, you will be offered a six week course of one-to-one counselling.
You can self-refer directly to the physiotherapy services offered by Sandwell Healthcare Trust at various centres throughout Sandwell by telephoning 0121 507 2664. The nearest to our surgery is held at Rowley Regis Hospital.
Influenza Vaccination
All patients over the age of 65 years and those patients with chronic ailments (including heart disease, chest disease, asthma, kidney disease, diabetes or who are immune-compromised) are offered a free flu vaccination from mid-October each winter.
If you think you are eligible for this vaccine, look out for details of our clinics at the surgery or ring the surgery for details in October.
The district nurses will do home visits to vaccine patients in nursing homes or those who are genuinely housebound.
Pneumococcal Vaccination
Elderly patients and patients who are at increased risk of pneumococcal infections (those patients with severe heart, kidney and chest problems, diabetics, splenectomy patients and the immune compromised) are recommended to have a single vaccination against the pneumococcus bacteria. This is available via the nurse.
AAA (Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm) Screening
This service is available by self-referral for all men over the age of 65. Please contact the screening team on 0121 424 3612.